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Nigerian Dwarfs are our favorite dairy breed. They are seen as the perfect "family milker" due to their small size and consistent milk production. Nigerian Dwarf milk has approximately 6 – 10% butterfat, as opposed to approximately 2 – 6% for other goat breeds. Since butterfat is what gives milk its sweet flavor, it’s the sweetest, richest milk of all the dairy goat breeds

Nigerian Dwarf Does


We are suckers for the chocolate color in goats. We didn't plan on getting this doeling but when we went to pick up Cobalt and saw her we just couldn't leave without her. Besides, the more goats you buy on a trip the more fuel efficient it is.

Pumpkin Pie

Pumpkin is a gorgeous doe and we am so excited to add her into the herd. So far she is settling in well.


​We are in love with her coat pattern. We like the look of the silver patches and traditionally colored legs. Such a cool combination. She also has gorgeous blue eyes and an interesting personality. 

© 2035 by  BW Goats.

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